I respect that we do need assisted living in Cobb. But not by clearing the last old growth forest in our east Cobb neighborhood. Our Grandpas and Grandmas, their children and grandchildren would be able to enjoy this last refuge forever if we can save it from development. Any development.
Cobb County has allocated funds for this and similar parks and now we need to use those funds as the taxpayers intended.
Developers can re-purpose other land for assisted living developments. If you live in the area, you see proof of this everywhere. Old structures being demolished and expensive new developments being built in their place. Once a property is cleared, it doesn’t care what we build on it. But when we destroy our last remaining tract of forest in the area, it is gone from us forever.
Mr. Ott has our support as long as he is moving towards keeping this land for the enjoyment of all! Cobb County residents, both old and young alike.
Thomas Bishop
Read the letter in the Marietta Daily Journal