I will say that I was against the CCRC plans before the tour. But now I'm overwhelmed, because the property is so beautiful, even in the middle of winter, and the CCRC buildings are much closer to the borders of the property than I thought. I realize that people need to live and work somewhere, and there's only so much space that can be saved. However, the scale of these plans is so completely out of character here, and very urban when compared to anything else in East Cobb. As far as I know, there are no 4-story buildings anywhere in East Cobb, so I was surprised to see so many 4-story buildings on the plan!

Insight about the retirement concept: When I first learned about a retirement community on the Tritt property, I thought, how sweet, seniors can age in a beautiful forest near their grandchildren playing at East Cobb Park... but now I realize, all the trees will be cut down on the property, and there is no 'little' retirement community in the woods... there are huge multi-story buildings with homes so close to the next subdivision you could easily toss a football between them. Then, East Cobb Park would be changed forever by towering buildings. Even the donated land would run along the edge of 50-60 ft tall buildings that go on for the entire length of East Cobb Park.
Insight about schools: I had also been told that this 481-unit retirement community would be better than a subdivision because it wouldn't add children to the schools.... but now I understand if even 100 East Cobb seniors moved out of their existing homes into this CCRC retirement community, that would mean 100 homes available for new families to move into... and that could overcrowd the schools. Ironically building an 80-home subdivision on the Tritt property could mean less students for the schools! Of course, I would rather see this property saved, but that's another topic... For now, this development plan should be stopped.

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